Valentine’s Day is a tradition that occurs every year on February 14th, when love is celebrated. Valentine’s Day is a day for showing love and affection for the special people in our lives. While it is often associated with presenting your love to your significant other, it also has become a day to celebrate friendships and mutual appreciation.
The origins of Valentine’s Day are shrouded in mystery, but somehow widely recognized as a day to express love and affection through small (or big) gestures. This holiday has been around for centuries and usually plays a big part throughout February. The history of Valentine’s Day dates back to ancient Rome and the pagan festival of Lupercalia. During this festival, young men would draw names from a box that listed the women, and then partner with them for the duration of the festival.
In modern times, Valentine’s Day is celebrated amongst all and has become a day to celebrate the love and companionship of friends and family members. It’s also popular for exchanging greeting cards, commonly known as “valentines,” adorned with heartfelt messages of love and affection; this tradition can be traced back to around the 15th century.

In addition to cards, people exchange gifts such as flowers, chocolates, big teddy bears, and other tokens of love on this special day. Not only are gifts a part of this day, but movies are as well. Celebrations usually include a few gifts along with watching a rom-com movie and spiced up with a nice dine-in restaurant.
Some popular colors associated with Valentine’s Day are red and pink. The symbolism of Valentine’s Day is strongly connected with these colors, as red hearts, roses, and balloons are all traditional symbols of the day. Although for some it is tradition for men to supply chocolates, roses, and gifts, in some other cultures it’s the opposite, such as in Japan and South Korea.
Women are expected to give chocolates to men on Valentine’s Day as an expression of the meaning of love. This tradition in these countries is reciprocated one month afterward, known as White Day. This is the time when the men are expected to return the favor by providing gifts to women.

February 14 isn’t only about receiving gifts from your partner however. It can also become a significant date, as many marriage proposals take place on this day. Famed for its romantic meaning and loving moods, many significant others choose this special day to make it unforgettable by proposing; it remarks a special occasion of the beginning of a lifetime of love and commitment.
In more recent years, Valentine’s Day has also come to be a celebration of friendship and family. “Galentines” is a popular take by women today as they get together with their friends and spend the day together to appreciate one’s company.
Valentine’s is the thrill of February where love sparks and flourishes. This is no day to miss as everyone has a special person in their lives. But regardless of this day representing a time to shower your partner with love, don’t be shy to continue throughout February!