When we think of Homecoming, what comes to mind? Likely, it’s guys in cheap suits and cheesy signs, surrounded by close male friends trying to ask out a pretty girl for the night, evaluating a simple date to dance as a gesture of deep love. A romantic stare followed by the joyous yes and an Instagram story with a Billie Eilish or Olivia Rodrigo song playing over the picture. The cheesy and inconsequential act of asking a girl to dance has been a hallmark of men’s coming-of-age journey that leads them into adulthood. But, why? According to the Pew Research Center, 47% of girls wait for someone to ask them out, while only 6% of guys wait. Additionally, 69% of guys ask girls out in person, whereas 35% of girls ask boys in person. Traditions of masculine incentives have driven these trends for years, from stories of knights in shining armor to high school drama stereotypes perpetuated today.
Swirl does the opposite. Swirl breaks norms by encouraging women to take charge and ask guys to dance. This trend is starting to become a global phenomenon, encouraged by the launch of Bumble in 2023. Bumble is a dating app centered around women making the first move, which greatly varies from other dating apps such as Hinge and Tinder. Unfortunately, not many statistics have been found in relation to long-term relationships and many report the app to have frequent algorithm issues.
Relationships in high school are intimidating because they propel students into the world of dating and romance, where men and women discover more about what lies under the surface of pretty faces and false attitudes. According to an article by The Tower, some high school relationships can boost self-esteem and confidence, increasing academic performance; however the opposite can also occur, leading grades to plummet and rates of depression and substance abuse to skyrocket. These emotional experiences can have both negative and positive effects on future relationships. Teens during high school develop both physically and emotionally, meaning the relationships they have will likely help mold them into the person they will be for the rest of their lives.
Ultimately, though the risks of dating seem extreme, Eastern is a wonderful place to foster these skills. And if you are a woman who wants to ask out a guy, do it! The norms are there because they are easy, even if they are not necessarily correct. The same benefits that men receive from trying are ripe for your picking. So go ahead, raise your chin, take a deep breath, and ask a guy out to Prom.