Students have finally settled into the school year, and it’s showing. You swanky walk into school, get past the day, and finally arrive home. What’s next? Watch TikTok for hours, take an unneeded nap, or do something PRODUCTIVE? There should be no more distractions and procrastination, only a full year of success. This article will highlight four in-depth tips to reach new horizons and set you up for the future!
Apply the Law of Detachment to your Life
What is the Law of Detachment, you may be asking? It’s a powerful concept that can transform your life. Simply put, it is when you expect nothing and gain everything. For example, you should stop holding it so prevailing in your heart that it must have an outcome if you do something. The benefit of this application to your life is you feel almost a way of everything “as a gift.” Think about it this way: what motivates you and gives you a genuine interest? You usually do these tasks to validate yourself and not others. In my personal experience, as I have applied this law and detached myself from “expectations,” I feel joy in every expression of my life and overall less stress. The Law of Detachment is one that you should incorporate in your life right now!
Implement a Journal / Planner
One of the most effective ways to stay organized and in control is to maintain a journal to record questions, thoughts, or insights from your studies and daily experiences. Since implementing a planner into my life, everything is more concise and clear. I enjoy writing down what I’m doing, as I like to reflect on it and improve. This tool can bring a sense of order and control to your daily life, making you feel more organized and in control of your academic journey!
Create a Positive Environment
It’s essential to surround yourself with positivity by creating a study space that facilitates relaxation and productivity. This can help you feel more relaxed and focused during your study sessions. The difference is noticeable almost instantly. The benefits range from no longer searching for hours in your study space to feeling peace within your personalized space. Try to be creative and make it feel like your own palace. Remember, you’ll be here studying a lot!
Pursue ‘Micro-Experiences’
You can begin experimenting with small, manageable experiences outside your comfort zone to build confidence and skills gradually. The journey feels almost like an endless mountain. You start at the bottom and gradually build up, and eventually, you feel like an expert in your expertise and craft! After each of these “micro-experiences,” you should reflect and decide on what specific things to improve. One helpful way I utilize this skill is by interacting with my peers; their feedback gives a more objective viewpoint. This skill will eventually lead to a more mature and robust version of yourself.
If you apply each of these tips, you will most definitely be successful this year! Good luck!